A Dynamic DNS client in Ruby
17 Mar 2011
Back in 2008 I wrote a Ruby gem for updating your IP address at afraid.org, the free Dynamic DNS service. For whatever reason I moved onto other things, and never published the gem. It’s pretty basic but serves my needs, and may serve yours, so I’ve fixed it up and pushed version 0.1.2 today.
$ gem install updateafraid
$ updateafraid --help
Help for commands:
-user (Required, takes 1 argument)
Your Afraid.org username
-pass (Required, takes 1 argument)
Your Afraid.org password
-domain (Optional, takes 1 argument)
Update IP address for one domain: -domain <name>
-all (Optional, takes 0 arguments)
Update IP address for all domains in your account
-h (Optional, takes 0 arguments)
The code is hosted at github.com/logankoester/updateafraid under an MIT License.